Sareeraabhyangam – Rejuvenating &
full body, medicated, herbal oil rub, is performed by two therapists in
synchronized movements. The therapy treats the whole person – body, mind and
spirit – while balancing the doshas or the individual’s energy patterns.
rhythmic motion releases joints and relaxes muscles for greater freedom of
movement. It increases blood circulation and encourages the elimination of
metabolic wastes. There is significant relief from anxiety, fatigue,
circulatory disorders, rheumatic and arthritic problems, backaches and
Mugalepam – Ayurvedic facial
Ayurvedic facial that combines grains, herbs, and oils, personalized to balance
your unique skin type.
Recommended for: wrinkles, acne, skin dryness, excess oil, loose skin,
Pashpasvetham – Detoxifying
created with detoxifying and balancing herbs, surrounds your body from neck to
Recommended for: arthritis, muscle aches, body pain, body stiffness,
obesity, asthma, allergies, colds
Padhaabhyangam – General rejuvenation
foot massage using herbal oil or cream, stimulates acupressure points in the
feet and lower legs.
Recommended for: foot pain, difficulty in sleeping, stress,
hypertension, diabetes
Siroabhyangam – Head and shoulder care:A soothing
massage of the head, neck, and shoulders using calming herbal oils.
Recommended for: headache, migraine, hypertension, difficulty in
sleeping, stress, asthma, hair fall, dandruff
Sirodhara – Enhances mental function
deeply relaxing, stress reducing oil application. Lukewarm herbal
oil/milk/buttermilk is repeatedly poured onto the forehead. It soothes away
mental stress and results in a profound sense of relaxation and inner peace.
Recommended for: insomnia, depression, anxiety, headaches, hypertension,
whiplash and other neurological malfunctions
Nasyam – care
oils are administered through the nose for 7 to 14 days.
Recommended for: highly effective for sinusitis, nasal block, all kinds
of headaches including migraine, insomnia, paralysis, mental disorders and skin
diseases also.
Nethralepam – Eye care
dam made of dough is built around the eyes, and the reservoir is filled with
medicated herbal oil.
Recommended for: dimness of vision, eye pain, eye strain, eye dryness,
dark circles under eyes
Pathrapothrathisvatham – Disease
specific care
full body massage where warm cotton cloth bundles filled with herbs are
vigorously stroked or rhythmically pounded along the energy lines.
Recommended for: neck stiffness, back stiffness, muscle aches, joint
pain, back pain, neck pain, arthritis, obesity, headache, migraine, tiredness,
difficulty in sleeping
Pizhichal – Nerve & spine care
herbal liquid is poured in continuous streams over the entire body.
Recommended for: body pain, joint pain, back pain, muscle aches,
arthritis, numbness, diabetes, hypertension, stress, headache, migraine,
tiredness, difficulty in sleeping
Kadivasthi – Spine care
dam made of dough is built on the lower back, and the reservoir is filled with
warm medicated herbal oil.
Recommended for: lower back pain, muscle aches, stiffness
Udhvardhana – Obesity, skin &
joint care
dry massage procedure using herbal powders for your body constitution. Useful
for weight reduction or to purify tone and exfoliate the skin cells for a
luminous glow.
Recommended for: high cholesterol, obesity, skin dryness, skin problems,
numbness, rheumatoid arthritis
Januvasthi – Knee care
dam made of dough is built on the knees, and the reservoir is filled with warm
medicated herbal oil.
Recommended for: knee pain, stiffness, swelling, arthritis of the knees
Yurovasthi – Chest & respiratory
dam made of dough is built on the chest, and the reservoir is filled with warm
medicated herbal oil.
Recommended for: asthma, colds, respiratory problems, muscular chest